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Big Data with UAP

Every One is learning Big Data today but not able to understand & classify its real method with use, so solve this issue, i like to introduce new book " Getting Started with Greenplum for Big Data Analytics " " http:// ", This gives a good practical idea about Greenplum Unified Analytics Platform (UAP) with Hadoop and clustering of real data. This Platform is provide all kind of analysis and their role in Paradigms, with decision and complexity tree.

Fusion of Multi-slice CT scan Images

Problem:- In Pixel Fusion of CT scan main problem is due to multiple re-projection and back-projection operation during image iterative reconstruction. The sinogram restoration algorithms often suffer from noticeable resolution loss especially in the case of constant noise variance. Pixel-level image fusion is to combine visual information contained in multiple source images into an informative fused image without the introduction of distortion or loss of information with Alignments of different wavelengths and frequency with different hardware to perform many different algorithms for perfect fusion in RGB. Background The main emphasis of the latest developments in medical imaging is to develop more reliable and capable algorithms which can be used in real time diagnosis of tumours’. Brain tumour is caused due to uncontrolled growth of a mass of tissue, which can be fatal among children and adults.   Depending on the origin and growth, brain tumor can be classified into...