
Showing posts from 2012

The Machine for 99.99% correct Cognitive system with Intelligent System This Link gives details on first blog,This blog will information regarding the next level of that blog link, this contain machine learning  with cognitive science and collective Intelligence, If we collect the data from the human brain waves and its protein structure(DNA), and let that data in Quantum Mechanics with Quantum Computer Science  and analysis its facts with that,then the machine is more accurate to prediction the recognition 99.99%, this recognition can link to the satellite around the world,for better world technology. This Machine can be use Nano Technology for the better analysis,Nano tech,can Nano Cells(electronics) Nano waves with bio mechanism to get human brain waves and its structure of protein... http://www.yout...

human brain with AI tech for electronic neurons

after doing research on human brain with collective intelligence and cognitive science with the help of AI,Nano technology,I can say that cortex of human brain works to collect the bond between in human brain in the form of electric signal,this signal help the new protein(memory) to found its bond in neurons(humans), this cortex is helped by the nucleus of human brain protein. Human brain is most complex in the form of cortex and its electric signal,this can be done by quantum mechanics of nano science,if we implements it into robotic,with the help of computer in quantum,but till to date this field is not famous as its has to be,, leaning cortex with cognitive science give s better ideas of electronics in human brain,getting electronic signal from human brain to connect human mind to machines like Stephen Hawking

AI in Nano technology

Hello Every One, every one in this word trying to something big, but in the field which is already exit and they does not try something new to new fields.. here is just a try in the field on AI and Nano Technology,these are the future fields which can be help full in Trans Humanism, immortality, cursing 100 % of disease,may cancer. Nano Tech with AI can create Nano chips and other thing by which do any thing in this world.