human brain with AI tech for electronic neurons

after doing research on human brain with collective intelligence and cognitive science with the help of AI,Nano technology,I can say that cortex of human brain works to collect the bond between in human brain in the form of electric signal,this signal help the new protein(memory) to found its bond in neurons(humans), this cortex is helped by the nucleus of human brain protein.
Human brain is most complex in the form of cortex and its electric signal,this can be done by quantum mechanics of nano science,if we implements it into robotic,with the help of computer in quantum,but till to date this field is not famous as its has to be,,
leaning cortex with cognitive science give s better ideas of electronics in human brain,getting electronic signal from human brain to connect human mind to machines like Stephen Hawking


  1. You might interview Dr. Lloyd Watts, a CalTech PhD and founder of Audience Inc. in Mountain View, California, who reverse-engineered the human cochlea to develop software algorithms that display infographics of sounds, including voice, sirens, and ambient noise. The software is now embedded in chips used in Apple's iPhone. Audience has CalTech Professor Carver Mead and top audio-neurologists on the advisory board.

  2. i have not taken any interview of Dr. Lloyd but i am doing my research on this to create a super intelligence system by this technology,thanks for yours help,
    this is change the world into super techno world..

  3. Hmmm. Neural signals are either ionic, or take the form of neuromodulators and neurotransmitters. Yes, there are spikes (both axonic (caused by Na+ and K+ ions), and dendritic (caused by Ca++ ions), ) and these can be considered as altering electric potentials, but note that this potential is actually the sum of the potentials from ions.

    What evidence is there of the importance of quantum effects here, apart from the obvious underlying of all chemical reactions by quantum theory because of he nature of electron shells etc. There's lots of work on brain/computer interfacing, and lots of work on machines that work a little like the brain, and even work on connecting the one to the other (Steven Potter at Georgia Tech, for example, or the work building on Fromherz's earlier work in Germany).

    Or you might like to look at neuromorphic systems. (Try the Institute for Neuroinformatics in Zurich, Switzerland). But to say

    "that cortex of human brain works to collect the bond between in human brain in the form of electric signal,this signal help the new protein(memory) to found its bond in neurons(humans), this cortex is helped by the nucleus of human brain protein"

    is not helpful. Have you any idea how many proteins there are in the human brain???

    1. Hello Dear Leslie Smith Sir,I am going to use Machine Learning with Bio Informatics to solve this problem given by you,
      Human body create protein in the form of memory and electric signals and this electric signal is vary from range to range according to the size the bond between protein and every protein has its classification and in brain this classification with human electric signal help that to become permanent bond.
      In the Machine Learning We know this as unsupervised data which has to catch via bio-aides and nFTT and other Bio Medical Devices, and then only we can judge the protein, and its function of get generated, each and every protein has its natural function which is determined by the action and electric signal generated that time, K+,Na+ and other ions are formed by only the discharge of the electric bonds and bond formed when a protein generated,
      if we goes Mathematical With Machine Learning then the summation of n square to n infinity which the problem, but if we apply cluster and k binary tree than every action become one action itself, & by this cluster we can define proteins in Human Brain And its amount of formation....

      The Main problem with this is Human Brain Generate Digital image and its produce many Stenography, & we are still learning Algorithm of Stenography not Mathematical.
      So we have to Introduce math+Stenography+Machine LEarning, to solve this protein amount and size of formation...


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