Clustering Analysis of Human Cells "Detect Some fault Cells"

If We can detect the experimental data of human cells then we can find the x,y,z dimensions of human cells in microscope and by that we can find the fault and problem related to human cells and neurons,
every abnormal cells have some different characteristics of his neighbor or  cells having same function in human body to transfer the data by electric and ions, generated by human body, each and every reaction generate some chemical data related to electric signal and cell functioning.

In clustering algorithm (Machine Learning) from the co-ordinate and cells functioning,  Each electric signal and human cells generate some high dimension image, Pattern and by the help of Clustering (Co- Ordinate),  We can detect the signal and cells (Image and Co-ordinate).

Today Cancer cells is main concern of every Medical Pattern analysis, because they grow more rapidly and release high level of energy and Ions that destroy its nearest neighbor or they can deactivate the next cells to it..

In forming a clustering we can just can put some Quantitative Analysis with Mathematical Image Pattern and X, Y, Z co-ordinate to detect the human cells and this will take some time but this is very good in detecting and analysis.


just after that, The main question comes:- Where we have to put clustering algorithm,
Answer:- We can Put That In some radio surgery but the best answer is having MIT USA research Team,   (Nano Cells)       &  <----- best Answer in Future


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